If you are a business owner, you may be confused by the numerous types of advertising in the market and it's likely that you will ignore an important medium of advertising – online classified. It is strange that nowadays people do not tend to mention online classified. Instead, there are a lot of tips and walk-throughs for social channels advertising. Here, I list some reasons why you'll be adding online classifieds to your marketing today.
1. Huge traffic
According to studies, Craigslist, the biggest classified site in USA, has more than 60 million active American users per month and generates more than 50 billion page views per month. This impressive data on just one of the thousands of classified sites in the USA alone shows that the classified market is huge – In addition there are many other strong classified sites such as Ebayclassified (USA), Freeads.co.uk (UK), Kijiji (Cananda) and Quirk (India) etc. Moreover, in 2014, classified had more than $2.8 billion in investments, preserving a healthy growing community with great potential and increasing diversity.
2. Low cost
The vast majority of classified sites do not charge you any fee for posting a classified ad. Some of the paid classified ads are limited to a specific location and category. For example, the posting fee for Cars by dealers in the US is 5 USD. Or if you purchase a sponsored listing for making your ad stay at top, you have to pay for it. However, even if you do go ahead and pay, you'll find the fee is still considerably lower than Pay-Per-Click Advertising, as it is reported that the average cost per click is 0.92 USD with up to 10.44 USD per conversion in 2013. It is worth mentioning that a click doesn’t always translate into real sales, which means you probably going to pay for a lot of clicks with few leads and even fewer sales.
3. Easy to use and understand
Although social media seems like the future of online marketing, it is always considered a riddle to most business and marketers, since social media is mainly designed around being “social” rather than buying and selling. They are going to hire a professional team, spend a lot of time and resources on experimenting and studying and engage with multiple accounts simultaneously. As social media is changing quickly, it is quite difficult for new-comers to catch up and figure out effective marketing strategies via the social medium. Conversely, Classified sites are made for buying and selling goods and services. Goods and services are listed under the appropriate location and category, together with title, full length description and complete contact information (Email, telephone number, URL, physical address and all of your social media accounts). Multiple images are allowed for each ad for sellers to present the best selling point of their products to potential buyers. Likewise, consumers can easily search and look for what they want by using proper keywords or filters.
4. Higher conversion rate
As mentioned above, users of classified sites are often people who are actively looking for products and services. Therefore, without a doubt, even your ads on classified sites may not have as many clicks as social media or search engines, your conversion rate for classified ads will be far higher, where a handful of views can lead to multiple sales.
Interested in adding Classified sites posting to your marketing strategy? If the answer is yes, we have something offered directly for you. We know that time and resources are precious for your business, and posting classified ads is definitely going to cut that down further. Gapmarks, a new low cost automated professional posting platform, finds many targeted new client for your business and generate high conversion paying leads. It helps get rid of the time-consuming and tedious classified ads posting process and automate the posting based on your customized campaign. The system is blazing fast and reliable, posting your adverts 24/7 at the touch of a button. A user-friendly dashboard guides you step by step to create the campaign effortlessly and track your real-time performance of your ads on classified sites, providing useful data for your future campaign. We also offer various packages targeted for a variety of business, including recruitment, real-estate, cars and services, with affordable price starting from 11.99 USD per month.
Check out: http://gapmarks.com/lp for more information